Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sara Raid Said..
Java is a surprisingly complex language, with its autoboxing, primitive types, icky arrays which are not collections & general lack of polymorphism across strings/text/buffers/collections/arrays along with extremely verbose syntax for working with any kind of data structure & bean properties and still no closures which leads to tons of icky try/catch/finally crapola unless you use frameworks with new custom APIs & yet more complexity.


James Strachan's Blog: Scala as the long term replacement for java/javac?

James Strachan's Blog: Scala as the long term replacement for java/javac?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I have read your entire blog. It is interesting one. I got important information for games. Fifteen years after it established the beat-em-up standard for next generation consoles, Tekken remains a showcase for how 1-on-1 fighting should be done.


Learn Advanced C Langauge: Welcome to my Blog

Learn Advanced C Langauge: Welcome to my Blog

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Official Google Blog: Hood to Coast 2009

Official Google Blog: Hood to Coast 2009

Xbox 360 Games

1. Fallout 3:
This effort by Bethesda has silenced all but the game's most die-hard critics. Everything about Fallout 3, from the amazingly designed world to the haunting score to the slow-motion head explosions of the VATS system is top-notch. Fallout 3 is less a game to be played or a problem to be solved than an entire universe to be explored. This is THE must-have amongst all Xbox 360 games.

2. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare:
This game saw the return of developer Infinity Ward, which brought with it a new level of realism and storytelling for first-person shooters. A departure from past Xbox 360 games in the series, which dealt with World War II, Call of Duty 4 takes a more contemporary approach using modern weaponry and current global crises. It also introduced perks, gameplay-enhancing bonuses that could be earned through online play.

3. BioShock :
In terms of story and art direction, BioShock hits a high-water mark for Xbox 360 games, that has yet to be equaled. While ostensibly a first-person shooter (the game offers incredible freedom when it comes to offering players creative ways to cause mayhem), it was really the extraordinary art direction and well-written dialogue that were the stars of the show.

4. Mass Effect:
There are very few developers of Xbox 360 games that can compare to BioWare in the RPG space, and Mass Effect is a good example of why. It's a sweeping tale filled with excitement, action and fascinating alien races to learn about and interact with.

5. Grand Theft Auto IV :
Few Xbox 360 games have effectively shut down the office during business hours, and GTA4 is one of them. Rockstar North's sequel is a beautiful depiction of the Big Apple, and the difference between GTA4 and its predecessors is vast.

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